Some things change dramatically over generations. Others endure unaffected. When Lennart Persson and Yngve Nilson started a loom factory – that would become today’s Glimakra of Sweden – they couldn’t have guessed the state of our 2020 world.

In 1950, the concept of sustainability didn’t even exist – nor was tiny Glimåkra village aware of current issues affecting the fate of humanity. Yet the ideas that built the company 70 years ago are perhaps more relevant now than ever. The meaning of craftsmanship. The importance of working with local, rural suppliers and materials from neighboring forests. And the belief that both design and production should last for generations. These are the values that have shaped our business and that still characterize how we view quality and sustainability.

We’ll continue to develop and find new solutions based on current and future conditions. But everything we deliver should still withstand the test of time – products that can survive for generations without endangering the prospects of future generations. Forever young.

Our five focus goals

Proximity is an important perspective for us, but we must also zoom out. Throughout our products’ life cycles, they impact the planet’s resources and human conditions – imprints we’re working to reduce.

We use the UN Global Sustainable Development Goals to put our business into a wider perspective and direct our sustainability efforts to the right things.

Based on the 17 goals, we’ve identified five goals to focus on going forward. Our priority is to be able to invest in the goals closest to our business and where our efforts can make the biggest difference. We see the greatest opportunities in goal 12: Responsible production and consumption.

Read more about our sustainability work in our brochure.

Environment and quality

With the customer in focus, we aspire for our business to have as little environmental impact as possible. We use 100% renewable energy. Our products are timeless and of superior quality with a long life. We use pure, unmixed materials as far as possible which makes product recycling easier. To further shield the environment, we choose suppliers in the immediate area and thereby reduce transportation distances.

It is our objective to always satisfy our customers’ requirements. Our customers should be confident that the delivery is made on time and with the right quality.

Glimakra of Sweden is environmentally and quality certified according to ISO 14001 and ISO 9001. 

Most of our products are labeled with Möbelfakta. Möbelfakta sets strict requirements for quality, environmental, and social responsibility. Thus, Möbelfakta is the most complete product labeling for Swedish furniture. When you buy a product labeled with Möbelfakta you can be sure that you get a great product.

Glimakra of Sweden Tranås is certified by FSC®.

Glimakra of Sweden AB has a policy on handling prohibited wood which reads:

According to FSC®’s principles, Glimakra of Sweden may not trade or process wood listed in the “Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora”

FSC® stands for the Forest Stewardship Council and is an independent, international membership organization that works for environmentally-friendly, socially responsible, and economically viable use of the world’s forests, through its FSC® certification system.

Certified companies comply with FSC® rules (standards) for forestry and traceability. Those who follow the rules may notice their products with the FSC® brand. The FSC® label allows consumers and businesses to choose wood products that come from responsible forestry, that is, forestry that takes into account people and the environment.

The forest gives us clean water, fresh air and helps to curb global warming. It provides food, medicine, and vital natural resources like timber and paper. Responsible forestry ensures that the forests can also provide these benefits in the long run. Those who participate in FSC® want to voluntarily contribute to this.

Glimakra of Sweden AB has a policy on handling prohibited wood which reads:

According to FSC®’s principles, Glimakra of Sweden may not trade or process wood listed in the “Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora”.

Our cerificate

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